Form3 About All the Time wwwwwwwwwwwwww Xgwwwwwwwww Form3% Command1 Label1 or Label1 70741,422 Label1 Wilson Smith and Carole Rogers Label1 Questions, comments to: Label1 Enjoy it! Label1 No warranties, no liabilities Label1 Free, public domain, etc. Label1 All the Time v1.0 Command1_Click Form3 Form_Click Form_Load" 11/16 1.0 - 1.01 -> non-tiling. consistent hourglassingw 11/17 1.01 - 1.02 -> stopped doing a CLS for tiled preview (bug introduced in 1.01)d 11/17 1.02 - 1.03 -> stopped doing a CLS at all. PatBlt for non-tiled background 11/24 1.1 Command1_Click